Galician bread ciabatta.
80 g. pickled mussels (Galician mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, with D.O.P.).
30 g. of Onion of the country.
50 g. of Arnoia pepper.
1 boiled egg size L.
Nutritional value
Energy: 383.25 Kcal. (21.29% of the CDR).
Proteins: 24.31 g. (50.64% of the CDR).
Carbohydrates: 41.71 g. (32.08% of the CDR).
Fat: 12.29 g. (40.97% of the CDR).
Place the onion and pepper cut into pieces on top of the bread.
We put the boiled egg, cut into wheels.
To finish, we put the mussels on top.