Galician bread ciabatta.
80 g. Galician Octopus.
50 g. Of avocado.
40 g. of white asparagus.
40 g. of Onion of the country.
Nutritional value
Energy: 416.2 Kcal. (23.12% of the CDR).
Proteins: 25.16 g. (52.42% of the CDR).
Carbohydrates: 42.7 g. (32.85% of the CDR).
Fats: 15.9 g. (53% of the CDR).
We place the avocado and the onion cut into thin slices on the bread.
We add the octopus, which we can cook in a frying pan with the sauce of your choice.
We place the asparagus cut into strips on top.